Sunbird RC

Sunbird RC is listed as a global Digital Public Good (DPG) within the Digital Public Good Alliance (DPGA) registry. It meets the DPG standard of privacy and other applicable best practices, does no harm by design, and is of high relevance for attainment of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Sunbird RC is the core engine within DIVOC, a globally recognized DPG for vaccination and health credentialing. Sunbird RC is also part of India’s massively adopted DIKSHA school education platform used at population scale.


Sunbird RC is listed as a global Digital Public Good (DPG) within the Digital Public Good Alliance (DPGA) registry. It meets the DPG standard of privacy and other applicable best practices, does no harm by design, and is of high relevance for attainment of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Sunbird RC is the core engine within DIVOC, a globally recognized DPG for vaccination and health credentialing. Sunbird RC is also part of India’s massively adopted DIKSHA school education platform used at population scale.
Sunbird RC


Prasang Maheshwari





Admin Portal to Build Registry and Credentialing Platform

Sunbird RC is listed as a global Digital Public Good (DPG) within the Digital Public Good Alliance (DPGA) registry. It meets the DPG standard of privacy and other applicable best practices, does no harm by design, and is of high relevance for attainment of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Sunbird RC is the core engine within DIVOC, a globally recognized DPG for vaccination and health credentialing. Sunbird RC is also part of India's massively adopted DIKSHA school education platform used at population scale.


Anmol Agrawal


Vikram K



Starter Pack for Location Master

Sunbird RC is listed as a global Digital Public Good (DPG) within the Digital Public Good Alliance (DPGA) registry. It meets the DPG standard of privacy and other applicable best practices, does no harm by design, and is of high relevance for attainment of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Sunbird RC is the core engine within DIVOC, a globally recognized DPG for vaccination and health credentialing. Sunbird RC is also part of India's massively adopted DIKSHA school education platform used at population scale.


Akshat Upadhyay


Pawan A



Consent template manager

Sunbird RC is listed as a global Digital Public Good (DPG) within the Digital Public Good Alliance (DPGA) registry. It meets the DPG standard of privacy and other applicable best practices, does no harm by design, and is of high relevance for attainment of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Sunbird RC is the core engine within DIVOC, a globally recognized DPG for vaccination and health credentialing. Sunbird RC is also part of India's massively adopted DIKSHA school education platform used at population scale.