Contributor :

Vaibhav Sangwan

Mentor :

Chihurumnaya Ibiam
Kids love playing games on computers. However, a lot of games that they are presented with lack depth. This summer, we created several games that are both fun and engaging for kids. Plus, since all of the games are free/libre and open, their source code may be studied and modified, so kids can use these games to “graduate” to more sophisticated programming.

Contributor :

Vaibhav Sangwan

Mentor :

Chihurumnaya Ibiam
Kids love playing games on computers. However, a lot of games that they are presented with lack depth. This summer, we created several games that are both fun and engaging for kids. Plus, since all of the games are free/libre and open, their source code may be studied and modified, so kids can use these games to “graduate” to more sophisticated programming.

About Contributor

Vaibhav is currently in his final year of B.Tech in Bharati Vidyapeeth's College Of Engineering, New Delhi. He is proficient in Python and has experience in Game Development and Machine Learning. He is interested in putting his skills and experience to work on high impact projects that will serve hundreds of thousands of users.

About Mentor

Walter Bender spent the first half of his career at MIT, where he researched learning and expressing by people and machines. He left MIT to cofound One Laptop per Child and Sugar Labs in an on-going effort to bring "constructionist" learning to children around the world.

Key Impact Takeaways:

  1.  This project will make the activity set of Sugar more versatile, providing educational experiences to 100K users.
  2. Kids will have loads of fun, be challenged, and, for those who want more, have the means to “graduate” to more sophisticated programming.

Contributor Experience

Mentor Experience